Tuesday, July 30, 2013

being attached to an outcome...

attached ~ joined or fastened to something
outcome ~ something that follows as a result or consequence

This past week has really been a testament to not being attached to a perceived outcome. When I start something I expect things to go as I want them to (unrealistic - I know). I'm historically known for not doing well when things don't go my way or how I expect them to go. I've been trying to work on this and I think that maybe, just maybe, this is the week that will change it all. Or at least, I can consider it a good attitude week.

barre3 and QVC
expected outcome: to be with Harper working out in the background as Sadie sells barre3 DVD's.
actual outcome: spending less than 36 hours in Philadelphia visiting a new barre3 studio, getting to know Harper, Sadie, and Chris as I wouldn't have otherwise, and getting to go back!

Without these change in plans I wouldn't have spent all that time in the car with Sadie & Chris while they were relaxed. I might not got to have heard various conversations about the business of barre3. I wouldn't have had the chance to meet and chat with the studio owner & a few instructors of barre3 Newtown. Harper and I wouldn't have ventured into Philly. It was impossible to be mad at the situation when the people who were paying for, living for, and had dreamed of it for longer than me, were so super positive.

the number on the scale ~ goal weight
expected outcome: a number in a range based on height (that NO doctor ever talked to me about)
actual outcome: currently 144.4
The number on the scale is a tough thing to get over. Society has taught us that it means so much but I believe it truly doesn't. When I started this journey almost 22 months ago I honestly didn't have a goal weight in mind. I still don't! I didn't think I could lose this much weight. Sure, I wanted to but I didn't know how. My one goal....to NOT be diabetes! That's a good goal...right?!?! I truly believe that this is why I have had the success that I have had. I wasn't hyper focused on one number, I was hyper focused on health. Plain and simple.
I obviously used the scale as a tool but I think I'm done with it for a while. I have a Cyster name Chelsea who is rocking her PCOS body & weight loss and she just did "no scale July" and I'm thinking I need to do "no scale August". It will be a nice break from the "Wednesday weekly weight in".  It's going to be super hard but I need to trust in the process. I have learned SO much about my body in the past almost 2 years. I now know what to feed it to fuel it and I know how to work it to support it.  
Sometimes the actual outcome is better than the expected outcome. It's all about figuring out what you want to do, whether it be lose weight, change something about yourself, or make a change in your life. Once you figure out what you want to do it's all about figuring out how to do! It's all common sense! For me...slow and steady was the way to go. I bought books on PCOS, I talked to people about food & exercise, I tried barre3 {which changed my life forever}, and I got uncomfortable. Looking back, I was uncomfortable before I lost the weight.
And because I L.O.V.E. comparison pictures...
Left ~ July 29th, 2011. One day before Leena's wedding.
Right ~ July 30th, 2013. Just another normal day of barre3, PT, and a walk with Sabrina.
Leena's cousins said it best...
The woman in the before picture is pretty amazing. After all, it was her that had the discipline and determination to set and achieve a goal. ~Ajay

Fingers crossed {that more unexpectedly amazing outcomes are coming my way}...

Friday, July 26, 2013

QVC version 1.0

Just 5 days ago I posted about how excited I was to be going on QVC with barre3.

I had my DVR set.

I had my outfit chosen {grey top, black pants}.

I had my toes & nails done {even nakey toe}.


It didn't happen. But someday it will {hopefully}!!!

Harper and I boarded our flight at PDX as scheduled. Then we landed in Chicago and that's where the fun began! Harper had a few missed texts from Chris {the co-founder and husband of Sadie} and we knew it wasn't good. She called them back and was very quiet on the call. When it was all said and done she said "We should sit down" and I said "It's cancelled...isn't it" to which she replied, yes.

Then we went and got a sandwich. And flew to Philadelphia. Lets just say our adrenaline was pretty low on that flight.

Just before we went out to dinner I saw this on Facebook...

Up until this point we hadn't known WHY QVC had cancelled our spot. Then we found out...the Royal Baby Doll!!! If that dang little royal baby had been born the day before or the day after we'd have been on QVC. When Chris & Sadie picked us up for dinner Sadie had already figured it out too! It was the joke of the evening, for sure.

That evening {Monday} we went out to dinner with Sadie, Chris and a few members of his family. I tell you, there is no better group of people to be around when something goes awry. They are the most positive people I have ever met. There also isn't anyone better to be around when trying to eat well ;-) Sadie is such an inspiration in so many ways!

After our day Harper and I needed one more glass of wine...
Our day was rather l o n g . . .

This is what the server put on our ticket. Hilarious.
We were truly the only ladies in the hotel bar.

QVC version 1.0 day {Tuesday} was so fun! What's better than getting to spend the day with the founders of barre3?! I learned so much about the company, the business, the people, and the inner workings of the company that I so love. We also had a BLAST visiting the newest barre3 studio - barre3 Newton. The owner, Lauren, held an amazing class and it was fun to meet her staff and share my story with a few clients!

Myself and Sadie about to workout at barre3 Newtown.

Myself, Sadie, and Harper at barre3 Newtown.

After breakfast, barre3, and lunch Chris & Sadie had some work to do so Harper and I took the train and ventured into Philadelphia.

In front of Independence Hall.

Taking the train.

Subway art.

Harper and I were so proud we knew how to use this on the way home!

Pretending to enjoy the train ride. Truly, I was super sick in this picture.

{Wednesday} brought us headed back to an airport. I flew home with Sadie & Chris while Harper flew to New Orleans to train some lucky newbie barre3 instructors. Harper is a Master Trainer at barre3! She's amazing.

What those 72 hours of QVC version 1.0 is that there is truly always a brighter side of things. Sadie could list 5 reasons off the top of her head as to why it is better to go on in September versus July. This trip was a true test of her ability as a leader, a woman, and as a person who truly practices what they preach.

If QVC hadn't have been cancelled I still would have had an amazing time but because it was I got to have the experience of a lifetime...version 1.0.

Fingers crossed {that someday you'll see me on QVC}...

PS. You can buy the 28 to Great QVC deal here!!!


Sunday, July 21, 2013

my 8 minutes of fame...

I've been hinting {and hinting} for almost 6 months about a special project that I will going on with barre3 and the time is finally here that I can spill the beans!!!

Barre3 is going on QVC to sell their new DVD 5 pack, their amazing core ball, a nutrition guide {that I live by to this day} and a free 15 day subscription to their online workouts! I don't yet know the price but it's supposed to be amazing!!!

I fly out bright and early tomorrow for an all-day trek to Philadelphia! We will be live {YES...LIVE!!!! EEKS} on Tuesday, July 23rd from 2pm - 4pm Eastern Time on a show called "Easy Solutions". Set your DVR's. Watch on the Internet. Buy the package during our online time. View it on your tablet or smart phone!! There are tons of ways to watch me shake & quake on TV!!!

I guess I am kind of like their weight loss spokesperson {that's what I am calling myself}! It's pretty exciting, nerve-wracking, and thrilling to be a part of this. They are entrusting so much in me. I feel like from here forward I will be recognized...I already am here in Portland and Vancouver at the barre3's! I do feel a sense of, not really responsibility...but I can't really explain it. I'm a big success story for them and I don't want to let them or myself down! But I know that won't happen because 6 weeks and 1 day post surgery I was back in the barre3 studios. My soul couldn't live without it.

I'll be blogging about my experience when I get back. I hope you all turn in!

Fingers crossed {I don't mess up on live TV}!!!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

healing & next steps...

These last 5 1/2 weeks have been a gigantic lesson on healing. I had major surgery and my body needs time to heal but my brain isn't doing so good with that. I haven't gained a single pound which is a victory in and of itself... But I have definitely gained back inches! I won't deny that I am very frustrated by that.

Before the surgery I told myself I was going to do Barre3 online every day, go on walks, and stay active. And I did that, some days. The majority of the days I did not. I feel like I have reverted back to the "pre weight loss Annie" way of life... Sitting on the couch, eating things I shouldn't, being bored. I know this is because my body has to heal but I'm just struggling with it.

Here's what I know...
I get my sling off tomorrow and so I truly know that that will be the day that starts to change everything. I know I will be able to walk outside now because the sling won't make me too hot. I know I will have exercises to do every day to strengthen my shoulder. I know I can choose what I eat. I have to be on live television in nine days. I miss Barre3 studio classes.

Here's what I want...
To lose this extra inch-ish that I gained around my hips. To get back into some kind of routine that doesn't involve sitting all day. To go to Barre3 studio classes more.

Here's how I'm going to do it...
Start planning meals again. Try going to Barre3 once or twice a week, the studio really is what I need. Plan ahead for snacks while I am out and about.

There's been a few days here or there over the last 20 months where I've not done as good as I wish I would have. But this "re-start" is very daunting. These old feelings crept back into my head... My old habits have surfaced because of my forced downtime... It's not that it's all been that bad, I just haven't been as cognizant of what I am putting in my body and the movement I've been giving it. Tomorrow that changes.

My goal is to re-incorporated small daily changes into my life. I've already had some pretty staggering long-term results... But I am hungry for more.

I've been inspired by so many people in these last few weeks with a project I'm doing with Barre3, women in my power up for PCOS group, and lots of women on Instagram!!

Here's to the next path on my journey. One of continuing what I already know, changing what I am doing to adapt to my body needs, and learning new things along the way!

Fingers crossed {for quick healing}...

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

-75 pounds!!!

The title truly says it all!

Just two weeks after shoulder surgery I hit the magnificent milestone of -75 pounds of weight loss. Now, I know some of that is because of inactivity during that period of time but I'll take it!

Of course, there has to be a comparison picture!!

My husband always takes my pictures. But with a very hurt arm the pictures were a little more interesting this time. We took 17 pictures total trying to get a comparison picture I was happy with... If you look my left arm looks like it's not doing normal things because that's the shoulder I had surgery on! These are my six favorite pictures from the compilation!

I'm aware that once I am able to start working out again in a few weeks, that my weight might go back up because of the muscle I will be building back up. I am totally okay with that. While it is most certainly exciting to see the number go down it is even more exciting to see the pant and shirt sizes go down! I really want to start focusing on the look of a toned body and not as much about the number on the scale! That will also be a little tricky because I've been weighing myself pretty much every couple of days for the last 20 months... My plan right now is when I hit the two-year mark of my tipping point that I will put the scale away and only get out once a month.

I don't feel like I'm going to continue to lose a lot of weight in numbers. But I have every hope that I will continue to lose inches and to burn off this fast I still have.

Another exciting thing happened when I hit this weight though...

According to this BMI calculator I am now considered in the normal weight range! I also talked to one of my friends who is a weight watchers leader and she said for weight watchers the normal range for someone who is 5'4" is 117 pounds through 146 pounds. So it looks as though I am right on track.

Fingers crossed {that the inches continue to come off}...

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

And the winner is...

I was trying to be all sorts of fancy and recorded video and I have absolutely no idea how to get it from my iPad to blogger...

I want to thank everyone who stopped by this little blog to read the post and especially to the people who entered the giveaway!

And the winner is...

Congrats Robyn!!! I'll be contacting you soon!

Fingers crossed {that even if you didn't win maybe you'll try out Barre3 online}...