I spend a LOT of money on myself...but not in the way you might be initially thinking.
As a teacher I don't make much money. After the house and the car payment are sent in, I have less than 50% of my check left. We've been in debt before and have no desire to go back there again. I need to be careful with my money which is a hard thing because I am so impulsive. But I am working on it...
One thing I have always spent a decent amount of money on is my health. In the past that consisted of processed foods, Costco trips, multiple doctors visits every month, medications, and buying bigger & bigger clothes. Now, I still spend quite a lot of money on my health but it's certainly more of a positive trend!
Here's what I know I spend each month on my health. For this most part these are rough estimates but I feel that it's important to keep it real! I'm referring back to before the surgery and what it will be now that I am on the path to healing. Surgery was an oddity, that's for sure.
Massage, Chiropractic & Acupuncture - $125 or so.
New Clothes - $100 or so
barre3 - $130 or so
Groceries {out of the joint account} - at least $400 a month
In my life massage, chiropractic adjustments, and acupuncture treatments have definitely been a huge part of my success. I have been with my massage therapist since 2010 when I first injured my back. My chiropractor really helps keep everything in line. Acupuncture it took me a little while to "believe in" but now I am a convert. But more than just receiving services from these people...they are my community, my supports, and I know they care for me. The energy I get from them is amazing. My goal now is to go to each of them once a month which will cut my cost by $50 a month.
Buying new clothes is fun but SPENDY!! One way I have buffered the cost is consigning a lot of my plus size clothes at a store called
Spankys. It seems to be that I haven't been as lucky as others at finding clothes at Spanky's to buy but I have been able to get a few checks from them to go buy things elsewhere. Just last week I got a $62 check from just about 3 months of clothes. It seems to have helped that the clothes I bought were of good quality! This year I will spend way more on clothes than I will next year. I tend to wear my clothes for a long time, I've had the same undies, PJs, and socks for YEARS! I'm not about fashion - I'm about comfort!
barre3. It wouldn't be a post on this blog without barre3!! In all seriousness, I know barre3 is spendy but to me it is worth every penny. For the last year plus I was buying class packages which at the Vancouver studio is about $170 for 10 classes. Problem was, I was going more than 10 times per month. My plan going forward is to sign up for the 3 months at a time pre-paid plan which is $130 per month. I know...expensive to some!! Also, watch out for internet deals on places like Groupon & Living Social. There is also the barre3 online option which is only $15 a month...if you are able to make yourself workout at home!
I also have a gym membership that I rarely use but it is there. My parents got us the 24 hour Costco 2 year membership for Christmas last year and something tells me that might be our Christmas present again in 2 years. My hubby uses his almost daily so it's nice that I have it so I can go.
Groceries. I mean, we have to eat! I am trying to be better about planning meals with like ingredients, making some previously processed foods at home, and watching for sales. I admit, I'm not that much of a planner. Or at least, haven't started to enjoy planning on that level. One day!
Here is how I justify what I spend my money on...
* I don't dye my hair and I only cut it every few months.
* I don't get my nails or toes done - ever. Well, maybe once or twice a year when my Mom invites me!
* I have one purse that I use every single day of the year. And it was a $70.
* I have less than 15 pairs of shoes. No joke. And they all have a purpose and I wear at least once a month. Many of them are years old!
A few other tips...
* I use the library for quick read that I won't read again. Books that I want for my betterment (PCOS books, health books) that I will refer to again I buy.
* I don't get magazine subscriptions. Can you say Pinterest?!?!
* I use coupons. I'm shameless about them. But I'm not a crazy coupon lady, I promise.
* I use reward cards. Pita pit, best buy, you name it - I have a rewards card for it. A lot of rewards cards give you free things in your birthday month so watch out for those too!
my purse, key rewards, coupon organizer and rewards cards/gift cards.
I keep all of these in my purse at all times that way I am always ready!
All in all, there are ways you can make what you want, work! For me, I want (really, need) to workout at barre3 and so I make it work. I need new clothes so I watch for sales and use coupons. I ask for very specific things for birthdays and holidays like dutch ovens, food scales, purses, and store specific gift cards. I don't feel bad about sending people links (or to my Amazon Wish List) to what I truly want and will use because getting something that I won't use isn't fun either! I am also very fortunate that we have family who are willing and able to get us nice gifts. I also like to spend my money on experiences (games, trips) or crafts instead of stuff that will sit on a shelf or closet.
Going forward it is my goal to think about everything I buy. What purpose does it serve? How often will I use it? Can I get it at a different price elsewhere? Do I need it at this moment in time or can it wait until a holiday?
Fingers crossed {that I can change my spending habits & save some money towards my dream}...