Friday, July 26, 2013

QVC version 1.0

Just 5 days ago I posted about how excited I was to be going on QVC with barre3.

I had my DVR set.

I had my outfit chosen {grey top, black pants}.

I had my toes & nails done {even nakey toe}.


It didn't happen. But someday it will {hopefully}!!!

Harper and I boarded our flight at PDX as scheduled. Then we landed in Chicago and that's where the fun began! Harper had a few missed texts from Chris {the co-founder and husband of Sadie} and we knew it wasn't good. She called them back and was very quiet on the call. When it was all said and done she said "We should sit down" and I said "It's cancelled...isn't it" to which she replied, yes.

Then we went and got a sandwich. And flew to Philadelphia. Lets just say our adrenaline was pretty low on that flight.

Just before we went out to dinner I saw this on Facebook...

Up until this point we hadn't known WHY QVC had cancelled our spot. Then we found out...the Royal Baby Doll!!! If that dang little royal baby had been born the day before or the day after we'd have been on QVC. When Chris & Sadie picked us up for dinner Sadie had already figured it out too! It was the joke of the evening, for sure.

That evening {Monday} we went out to dinner with Sadie, Chris and a few members of his family. I tell you, there is no better group of people to be around when something goes awry. They are the most positive people I have ever met. There also isn't anyone better to be around when trying to eat well ;-) Sadie is such an inspiration in so many ways!

After our day Harper and I needed one more glass of wine...
Our day was rather l o n g . . .

This is what the server put on our ticket. Hilarious.
We were truly the only ladies in the hotel bar.

QVC version 1.0 day {Tuesday} was so fun! What's better than getting to spend the day with the founders of barre3?! I learned so much about the company, the business, the people, and the inner workings of the company that I so love. We also had a BLAST visiting the newest barre3 studio - barre3 Newton. The owner, Lauren, held an amazing class and it was fun to meet her staff and share my story with a few clients!

Myself and Sadie about to workout at barre3 Newtown.

Myself, Sadie, and Harper at barre3 Newtown.

After breakfast, barre3, and lunch Chris & Sadie had some work to do so Harper and I took the train and ventured into Philadelphia.

In front of Independence Hall.

Taking the train.

Subway art.

Harper and I were so proud we knew how to use this on the way home!

Pretending to enjoy the train ride. Truly, I was super sick in this picture.

{Wednesday} brought us headed back to an airport. I flew home with Sadie & Chris while Harper flew to New Orleans to train some lucky newbie barre3 instructors. Harper is a Master Trainer at barre3! She's amazing.

What those 72 hours of QVC version 1.0 is that there is truly always a brighter side of things. Sadie could list 5 reasons off the top of her head as to why it is better to go on in September versus July. This trip was a true test of her ability as a leader, a woman, and as a person who truly practices what they preach.

If QVC hadn't have been cancelled I still would have had an amazing time but because it was I got to have the experience of a lifetime...version 1.0.

Fingers crossed {that someday you'll see me on QVC}...

PS. You can buy the 28 to Great QVC deal here!!!


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