Wednesday, June 6, 2012

my inspirations...

Since I've been losing weight people keep telling me I am an inspiration...and while I am beginning to see it/believe it...I was certainly inspired by others!!! Here, in no particular order, are some of my inspirations.
Picture this. I'm at a Halloween party with my coworkers. Two of them are talking about how, when they were pregnant, they got around or over 200 pounds. And it wasn't like they were just stating that as a number, there were comments (unknowing of my weight) about how they couldn't IMAGINE being that weight without being pregnant. Now imagine my self-image thoughts as I'm standing there, not pregnant, at 220 pounds. It wasn't a good conversation going on in my head. I actually stopped drinking because I knew if I didn't I'd say something I'd regret. I was standing there, amongst my friends, totally self-loathing myself. UG. It was one of the worst feelings in the world. Looking back, that moment, was one of my lowest moments and I didn't want to feel like that anymore. I needed to change. I started using "MyFitnessPal" the next week to start to keep track of my calories after seeing my old college classmate Lindsey's transformation...

This is my old college classmate Lindsey. She's lost almost 100 pounds. 100 POUNDS. And you know how she did it, food control and exercise. I mean, NO fad diets, NO drinks/smoothies/programs. It is amazing!! And she's lost even more since these pictures were taken. I think what I am most inspired by her is that she did it the "old fashioned way". That's how I am doing it too. I mean, it is nice to see the people's before and after's on TV, but it really got me going when it was someone I knew!!

Another person is an old frat brother of my hubby's.

This is Larkin. He has an amazing spirit and was one of my hubby's favorite frat brothers. Like I said about Lindsey, it is so much more meaningful to see people I know having such great success. Larkin, who I am friends with on Facebook, appears to go to the gym all.the.time. I don't honestly know how he's lost all the weight but it is inspirational none-the-less.

I got this message on Facebook the other day. You know how in the wide world of FB you're friends with people who you've only met a few times - well this is one of those situations. This message is from an old sorority sister of one of my best friends. As you can see, she had a baby (I think almost a year ago). I was SO surprised when this message popped up in my Inbox. I read it like 5 times. I think this might have been the turning point in my believing I might inspire others. A person, who I've met probably less than 10 times in my life, is messaging me to tell me I'm an inspiration. I guess it could be true...

Fingers crossed.

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