Tuesday, April 9, 2013

multiple dinners...

...from one "take out box".

Do you have a New Seasons in your town? It's like a Whole Foods, basically.

There is one close to my beloved barre3 that I've been going to for about a year or so. At first I went crazy and bought everything there and that proved to be very expensive! Now, I buy meat and produce and sometimes one or two small things if I don't need to make the trek to WinCo.

One of the best things about New Seasons is their deli. They have made to order sandwiches that are SO.MUCH.BETTER than a Quiznos or Subway. But our favorite thing...the WOK bar!!! For $9 we can get a HEAPING bowl of fresh wok! I should have taken a picture of my compiled bowl before cooking. My husband is amazed every time at how much I can get in that bowl!

Portioning out the rice, noodles & veggies.

This last Sunday after my trip to barre3 I stopped by NS so I could get a portion of the wok for lunch that day and have some left over for the week! I ended up getting 4 portions from my one meal!! For you math geniuses out there that is about $2.25 per meal.

Four portions from one meal!

When eating it for lunch at work I usually pair it with veggies & hummus and a sweet treat at the end. The rice and the noodles really fill me up! It is a great way to get multiple meals for a decent price from a very delicious place.

We have out NS wok like this...

Extra chicken. Shanghai Sauce. Organic Brown Rice.
If you have a New Seasons I would definitely suggest getting a make-your-own wok sometime! If you don't...make your own! Someone once told me they actually sell their sauces there. I need to check that out sometime. When they make our wok I ask them to only but 4 TBSP on sauce on our wok. That helps to cut the "calories" for lack of a better word!

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