Wednesday, January 2, 2013

the next steps...

While 2012 will always be the year that started this journey for me...I'm hoping 2013 will be the year the pieces really begin come together! There's more to life than the list below but this is where I'll be focusing a portion of my energy.

Here's a few ways I'm planning on making this happen!

I have my first appointment for the end of February. I'm actually kind of happy that it's that far out. It will allow me to go to my 1 year Endocrinology checkup January 22nd and process some of the information I recieve there. It's my plan to go off the Metformin sometime in the next year. It may be February, it may not, but I'm okay with either way. I know there are a few insulin-inhibitors out there, I just need to educate myself about them. My naturopath will also help me with this. I found a nathuropath who isn't totally opposed to "western medicine" so I am happy with that. More updates next year as I begin treatment with her! The above picture was actually from a handout she had in her office...pretty much sums me up! I'm excited to learn more about PCOS this year and what it means for my future.

Healthy Eating Choices/Routine {this is NOT a diet}
I plan on this being the year I start to understand food more. Part of this will be through the naturopath, part through the barre3 challenge I'm doing, part towards what I've read in the last year, and part in ways I cannot yet imagine. I have it on my "to do list" to watch/read Fat Sick and Nearly Dead and Forks Over Knives. While both of these programs seems pretty extreme I know there are pieces I can take and put into my life. I need to start planning and implementing a menu/rotation and also setting aside a time one or two days a week to cut veggies and foods so I'm not doing it every.single.night because that can get tiring! I am ready to take the next step in food. It's been over half a year since we've had crackers or candy in the house. {I'm not counting the ONE candy cane Santa brought me}.

This is actually becoming the easiest part of my routine. I am in love with barre3 - which shouldn't be a surprise to anyone who reads this blog! And while I've always wanted to become a runner I just don't know if it is in the cards for me. I'd need a dozen rolls of duct tape (to tape my boobs down) and a few dozen inhalers (to keep my asthma in check). Oh, and a new lower back! Arthritis and running don't seem to go well together. Last year my goal was to workout 4 days per week. And while I don't think I hit that, I bet I came close! I bet I did 3 times a year. This year I KNOW I can do 3 times a week. I'm going to try to figure out a real & easy way for me to track all of know how I like my data!

Personal Balance
This is a tough one for me. It's tough for me to deal with and tough for me to blog about, partly because I don't know who is reading this blog. I haven't made the blog private yet...because I want to inspire people, not hide from them. But because of that, there are just some things I won't talk about. I recently watched The Secret. I was very intrigued by it. I think I actually used to have the book but I never read it and it is no longer on the shelf so I must have dontaed it. It just wasn't the time for me to hear the message. I'm not even sure this is the time but when I was listening to it I knew I wanted to watch it again, with my husband. Maybe there is something to it...

Personal Relationships & Technology
I want to unplug and reconnect with those around me, especially my husband. We both definitely need time to unwind and veg in the evenings but it is getting old being on the computer or iPad's all evening. I know that my husband's job requires him to work 24/7 and while I don't like it, the fact that he has to do it isn't going to change. We've starting by sitting back at the dinner table instead of infront of the TV. And even though it is only 10 minutes or's 10 minutes that I now look forward to after only 1 week of implementation.
I also have some friendships I need to continue to workout. Some that I need to not work as hard at. And a few I'd like to try to progress from the "a few times a year friend" to something more. I want to try to find new ways to connect with my friends. Birthday cards? FaceTime? Writing a letter? If anyone has any other ideas...feel free to leave them as a comment!
Fingers crossed {that this is the best year ever}...

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