Monday, May 20, 2013

shoulder surgery...

The title says it all.

I have to have shoulder surgery.

I tried to avoid it. I tried to ignore it. It didn't work. I had an MRI in March and heard the day before we headed out to AZ that I would need surgery. Turns out, somewhere along the line, I tore my labrum which caused a little, tiny cyst to form. The tear must be tiny because they couldn't see that on the MRI but there was definitely a cyst. They say that size, placement, and color of cyst normally only occurs when there is a labrum tear. So we will consider this "exploratory" at the beginning to see where the tear is, but regardless he'll have to take out the cyst.

On June 5th I'll go in for surgery. It's an out patient procedure so I'll go home that night...which I am kind of nervous about. I haven't ever had a major surgery and I'm certainly not looking forward to it!

I'll be in a sling for 6 (LONG) weeks...

practicing wearing the sling...

practicing having my hubby do my hair...
After the sling comes off I'll have weeks of physical therapy hopefully followed by some barre3 with modifications.
It's funny. I'm not that scared of how my shoulder is going to do. I am afraid of how my mind is going to do without barre3 and how my back is going to do with lack of movement. I know my shoulder will be better after all of this and that's what's getting be through. After 4 or 5 months I should be back to regularly scheduled workouts like I was doing before the injury!!
Since I am the queen of planning I've had my sling for a few weeks and have been practicing with it. Though really, my left arm is the best appendage to have surgery on. It isn't on either leg or my dominant hand. It really could be a lot worse...but it's still going to be a struggle for me!! I've also been saving a plethora of movie on Amazon Prime and have been practicing things like putting in contacts one handed, driving one handed, and dressing one handed.
Trying to figure out how to maintain some level of movement and strength is going to be tough. I think I'll be doing a LOT of standing barre3 and squats. I also should be able to do a fair amount of upright seated core work. I'm thankful that barre3 has an online component. I also was joking that I was going to just go sit in the back of the studio and soak up the energy. It might not be a joke after a while! Since my physical therapist also goes to barre3 I am hoping she'll be able to teach me some modification's so I can go back sooner than later. I don't want to hurt it but I just love barre3 SO much (incase you couldn't tell)!!!
Fingers crossed {to a swift recovery}...

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