Monday, March 12, 2012

-5 more lbs AND under 200lbs!!!

That's down 16 total pounds since starting WW in January and 23 since the beginning of the school year when I was at 220. DAMN it feels good!!!!!

This morning was a good weight in morning. Thanks, mostly, to this ultra-fabulous sinus infection I have.

At the bottom it does say that I'm losing weight too fast...but I know it was the sickness that helped me this week. Also, on 2/20 I started the Metformin which is the drug that is helping my body process carbs regularly. That was the last green dot on the graph. Every week since then, I have lost 2 or more pounds. I'd certainly like to think that is more than a coincidence.

I heart this visual :)

It feels SSSOOO good to be under 200 for the first time in, oh, who knows. Probably a year!!! And...I have not worn these pants in almost a year and today...

I did!!! Super pumped because I have lots of clothes that have been sitting at the top of my closet just waiting to be re-worn.

I know there will be a time when it plateau's and things get hard (but really, like it isn't already hard!!!) and it won't be this exciting so I'm going to revel in it and enjoy this ride.

On one of my other blogs I've started a "30 before 30" which is 30 things I want to do before I turn 30 - which is in 369 days! 10 of the things are "good for the body" and one of them is to workout for 30 minutes, 4 days per week which equals out to 204 days. Geesh.... A feat that I've only been able to do for a few weeks but I AM WORTH IT!!!!

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